John Rentoul Profile picture
Chief Political Commentator, The Independent; visiting professor, King’s College London. Author with Jon Davis, Heroes or Villains? The Blair Govt Reconsidered

Oct 26, 2021, 7 tweets

Simon Clarke, chief sec to Treasury, said today that pre-Budget announcements have not included market-sensitive information...…

...and that Treasury had observed all the proprieties set out in the @nickmacpherson2 review...

@nickmacpherson2 The Macpherson review recommended a ban on the pre-release of the “core of the Budget”, including tax reliefs

But this Treasury release I tweeted yesterday includes two references to tax reliefs

The release goes on to announce two ways of making it easier to qualify for tonnage tax regime, which I am told is a form of tax relief

But is it not also market-sensitive information for the shipping companies that may benefit?

Link to the 2013 Macpherson review is here…

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