North American Megadam Resistance Alliance Profile picture
Protecting rivers and their communities by resisting megadams and their transmission corridors #TheDamTruth #NoDamWay #ClimateCrisis #StopFakeRenewables

Oct 26, 2021, 7 tweets

North American Megadam Resistance Alliance and our international network urges Mainers to vote YES on Referendum Question 1 on November 2 to reject the New England Clean Energy Connect hydropower transmission corridor.

Full press release:…

To generate electricity for NECEC, Hydro-Quebec will use 61 dams and 28 reservoirs that have flooded and destroyed tens of thousands of square miles of boreal forests, wetlands, and taiga.

Hydropower destroys rivers and forests, violates Indigenous rights, and harms the climate.

Most of the dams are built on the ancestral lands of Indigenous Peoples in Canada without their consent and without compensation. The Innu, Atikamekw, and Anishinabek First Nations in Quebec oppose NECEC and are suing Hydro-Quebec for violations of their constitutional rights.

For over 100 years, Canada's hydropower monopolies have forced people from their lands, resulting in cultural genocide, food insecurity, and impoverishment.

Canadian hydropower can be as dirty as fossil fuels. "The best available science indicates that Quebec hydropower emits as much climate pollution as natural gas power plants," said Gary Wockner of Save the World's Rivers.

In Maine, NECEC's 53 miles of new transmission lines will fragment the largest contiguous temperate forest in North America, and perhaps the world. The line would permanently damage 263 wetlands while crossing 200 rivers and streams, including vital habitat for brook trout.

Vote YES on Maine Referendum Question 1 on November 2nd!

#TheDamTruth #StopFakeRenewables #CMP #NECEC #CliamateJustice #Maine #Massachusetts #Hydropower

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