Harsh | Web, Mobile, SaaS Development Profile picture
Founder https://t.co/FHMNUJ2QLs, a software development agency. Helping businesses with Mobile, Web, AI and SaaS Development. Sharing lessons on leveraging Tech.

Oct 27, 2021, 24 tweets

27+ Proven Tools to Rapidly Move from ZERO to MVP.

It includes tools for:

• Brainstorming
• Domain & Hosting
• Frontend & Backend
• Copy Writing
• Design
• Social Proofs
• Analytics & Automation


Before we begin let's start with what is MVP (Minimum Viable Product)?

➜ MVP is the basic version of your product, which you have an idea for.

➜ It helps to validate your ideas faster rather than wasting a lot of time

Here is how MVP lifecycle looks like 👇

❓ What Purpose does MVP serve?

➜ Budget is a key factor whenever we are planning to build something

➜ Reduce time to market

➜ Quickly put your idea to test with a small budget

➜ If things go haywire you're able to spot it early rather than building the entire product

➜ The major time which is spent is wasted on building things.

Let’s take a look at how it can be reduced by choosing the right so-called MVP stack. 🏆

➜ Here are the tools for each of the lifecycle phases which could be handy at any point in time.

Jotting down the idea

The first and the most thing is to write down ideas and share them with your friends or any other person.

Use Notion
➜ All-in-one workspace (One tool for your whole team. Write, plan, and get organized)

🔗 notion.so

Use whiteboard tools

➜ Build and develop ideas

➜ Define your rough flow to show it to the world

🔗 miro.com

🔗 excalidraw.com

🔗 whimsical.com

Get Domain

➜ It is always better to find a cheaper or free domain if you want to get started with

🔗 freenom.com ( For Free domain )

🔗 namecheap.com ( For cheap domain )

Landing page to collect Email address

➜ There are multiple ways in which you can set up landing pages. Set up landing pages in less than 30 minutes without code.

🔗 unicornplatform.com

🔗 carrd.co

🔗 mailchimp.com/features/landi…

Collecting additional data from the audience

➜ The simplest way to collect data is by forms

➜ Build forms for all purposes in seconds. Without knowing how to code, and for free!

Collect U N L I M I T E D response!

🔗 tally.so

Measure analytics

➜ It is always wise to check the amount of traffic you are getting on your web page so that you can take action accordingly.

How about A/B testing? 😉

🔗 splitbee.io

Design tools

➜ If you want to take your UI/UX game to the next level you can use these advanced tools.

🔗 figma.com

🔗 zeplin.io

🔗 adobe.com/products/xd.ht…

Social Proofs

➜ Having social proof on your website will definitely boost the conversion rate

Here are nocode tools you should watch out for

🔗 shoutout.so

🔗 testimonial.to

Copy Writing

➜ Generate marketing copy in seconds

🔗 copy.ai

🔗 peppertype.ai

🧵 Here is an amazing thread from the best @jmoserr 👇

Team communication or taking to the community

➜ Gathering feedback from early adaptors is a very important aspect

➜ A central place to capture all conversation and resolve issues is the best thing to do

🔗 discord.com

🔗 slack.com

Start taking Pre-order 🤑

➜ There are many ways to do this, the fastest way would be

🔗 gumroad.com

🔗 flurly.com


➜ Taking to your customers or potential customer while you are asleep is the best thing to do

➜ Build chatbots in minutes with zero lines of code.

🔗 wotnot.io

🔗 intercom.com


➜ There are tons of sites from where you can get a free illustration to make your MVP beautiful.

🧵 Here is an amazing thread from @denicmarko 👇

Frontend Tools

➜ Web development is changing, It's time to work smarter not harder. 😉

🧵 Here are the tools you can leverage 👇

Backend Tools

➜ Setup backend faster while working on your startup, MVP, or side projects! 🔥

🧵 Here are the tools you can leverage 👇

Workflow Automation Tools

➜ Turn complex processes into simple ones by making use of these tools 👇


Mobile Application

➜ Save time and money while building mobile Application 👇



➜ Free Hosting for MVP is like a blessing. Rely on Netlify and vercel for free hosting your Frontend application.

🔗 netlify.com

🔗 vercel.com

🔗 heroku.com ( For Backend )

Task Management

➜ It is important to focus on what feature matters the most while working with the MVP

➜ Trello can be also used to share your public roadmap

🔗 trello.com

🔗 clickup.com

Thanks for checking this out 🙌🏻

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Cheers! 🥂

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