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Oct 27, 2021, 10 tweets

INSANE: Mayor of Hazard, KY who is also the principal of Hazard High School, held an assembly with a male pageant. The students came dressed in lingerie and gave lap dances to the staff.

This incident is reportedly under investigation

@RepHalRogers this is in your district.

Spread everywhere. The people responsible must be held accountable!…

More images: Students dressed in Hooters costumes and bikinis. They also took turns paddling each other.

This same principal was involved in 2 other incidents in 2008 involving alcohol and smoking with minors

Arrest this man!! @FBILouisville

@DanielCameronAG please take action.

They’re actually trying to blame this on the students!!! 🤬

This principal was also the chaperone on a trip when an alleged rape occured.

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