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Oct 27, 2021, 9 tweets

Anti-vaxxers in NYC complain about getting the middle finger from high schools kids after they harass them with megaphones about their masks.

Chanting with them is singer Jimmy Levy as they marched to JetBlue HQ to protest masks and vaccine mandates.

Jimmy Levy’s mom got kicked a flight because she wouldn’t wear a mask.

They will say it is “for eating,” but this is a game anti-maskers play on the plane. I’ve seen one pretend to sip 1 water bottle an entire flight just to avoid masking.

This is the guy that sings “this is a war on the children, this is a war on religion” who got his break on American Idol. He’s a pro-covid chud.

“As the school release the kids, they all are wearing masks.

And when we tell them not to keep the masks on they show us middle fingers.”

Another anti-vaxxer is telling kids their principal and teachers are “criminals.”

Imagine being stuffed 40 in a classroom and then these idiots roll up with “take off your mask.”

Jimmy Levy also stormed past security and barricades to approach the Barclay’s Center to “stand with Kyrie.”

Jimmy Levy is now doing interviews on InfoWars with Alex Jones.

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