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Oct 28, 2021, 9 tweets

Succession's Brian Cox has some strong opinions on Michael Caine, Johnny Depp, David Bowie, Quentin Tarantino and Steven Seagal in his new book…

Steven Seagal?

'As ludicrous in real life as he appears on screen. He radiates a studied serenity, as though he’s on a higher plane to the rest of us, and while he’s certainly on a different plane, no doubt about that, it’s probably not a higher one'…

David Bowie?

'A skinny kid, and not a particularly good actor. He made a better pop star, that much is for certain'…

Michael Caine?

'I wouldn’t describe Michael as my favourite, but he’s Michael Caine. An institution. And being an institution will always beat having range'…

Quentin Tarantino?

'I find his work meretricious. It’s all surface. Plot mechanics in place of depth. Style where there should be substance. I walked out of Pulp Fiction…That said, if the phone rang, I’d do it'…

Johnny Depp's acting?

'I mean, Edward Scissorhands. Let’s face it, if you come on with hands like that and pale, scarred-face make-up, you don’t have to do anything. And he didn’t. And subsequently, he’s done even less'…

'No, not yet. I’m expecting probably never to hear from some people again. But that’s the way it goes,' Brian Cox told The Big Issue when asked if his friends had read his new book yet…

Brian Cox did have kind words for some fellow actors...

Chain Reaction co-star Keanu Reeves?

A “seeker” who has “actually become rather good over the years”…

And the late, great Alan Rickman

'One of the sweetest, kindest, nicest and most incredibly smart men I’ve ever met. Prior to acting he’d been a graphic designer and he brought the considered, laser-like precision of that profession to his work'…

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