Sovereign Elector Profile picture

Oct 28, 2021, 7 tweets

~0- [The reason these School Board Officials are NOT listening to the concerned parents in these meetings is because they don't have to
Let me explain
First off, you have to understand Jurisdiction.
And at all these meetings, they are displaying their Jurisdiction with the Flag]

~1- [They are governing from Admiralty Law.
The Flag is indicates the Authority & Law present in the venue.
It's the same as if you enter any courtroom in the UNITED STATES.
You have no Rights, unless you invoke them first.]

~2- [In order to be heard by our employees (yes, we "pay" these people with our taxes which makes US the Employer) you have to invoke the Constitution of the Republic.]

~3- [They will ignore any demands (a sovereign never demands always Command). These Public Servants seem to have forgotten who they work for.
If you really want them to pay attention, lookup your School Board Treasurer & ask them for Bond info on every Board Member.]

~4- [Request this specifically-
1/ Bond #
2/ Insurance Company & amount of each Bond
Contact the Insurance Company & ask for a Claim Form regarding making a Claim against those Bonds.]

~5- [If 3 Claims are filed with the insurance company against a Board Members Bond (or any Public Servant), they are out of Public Office for the rest of their life!
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