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Oct 28, 2021, 7 tweets

Ready for #RubyConf2021? We'll be there with a full lineup speakers from Shopify and opportunities to get connected both on the ground and virtually! Tickets are still available here:

Want to know what we have coming up? Follow along on this thread 👇

Take it easy on the first day of the conference because we'll pick things up on day two with talks from @tenderlove, @paracycle, @flavorjones, and @kddnewton! Plus later in the day we'll have an informal session at our booth that you won't want to miss...

☕ Better get your coffee early on day three because we'll have a jam packed morning with sessions from @bruckmayer, @thecodepixi, @jemmaissroff, and @love2code.

In the afternoon we'll have one more session from @Schwad4HD14, and an AMA with the Shopify team to give you an inside look at how we work.

🖥️ If you're attending from the comfort of your browser (we won't judge you if you're in your pajamas), we have four great virtual sessions that you can watch on your own time from @ChrisGSeaton, @peterzhu2118, @eightbitraptor, @tomstuart, and @vinistock.

Prefer to take things at your own pace? No problem! Team members will be available to chat 1:1 in our booth both on the ground AND virtually via Twitter — just tweet @ us with #RubyConf2021 to get connected with our team at the conference.

#RubyConf2021 can't come soon enough and we're excited to see you there (and online)!

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