Ivan Balingit Profile picture
awts gege | @not__main__ | @testuser1025

Oct 29, 2021, 6 tweets

That hashtag peaked at around 1 PM today, but the first set of tweets already started during the morning.

For the latest 3500 publicly available tweets with that hashtag, I retrieved the account creation dates of the users.

And then I did another graph for those accounts that were created this year. A lot of them were created just this month, and during June.

As of 8 PM, umaarangkada na naman po sila ngayon 🙃

Sa mga nagtatanong kung organic daw ba yung hashtag na yan, hindi ko masasabi since hindi ko naman kayang isa-isahin yung mga tweets. Pero for comparison, ito yung mga account na #LetLeniLead na makikita sa recent public search

Oct 30 1 PM update: tried to retrieve the latest 100k tweets but was only able to do 60k because Twitter gave me an HTTP 429 error (rate limit exceeded) 😂😂

Interestingly, for the 60597 tweets, all of them only came from 7128 unique users, so about 8.5 tweets per user

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