Gaurav Sabnis Profile picture
Food, travel, nature, history, astronomy, and marketing. Associate Professor @stevensbusiness. Opinions/RTs personal. same ID at blusky, insta. He/Him.

Oct 29, 2021, 11 tweets

Brand new poster at the Newport @PATHTrain station.

"Casteism doesn't ride with us."

It's an official poster BTW, like many others saying that bigotry will not be tolerated.

Most have applauded this. But of course, some predictably went,

"USA should first fix its black lives matter & racism problem before lecturing us about caste."

Abey WhatsApp Whataboutery Warrior, this is not a "lecture" to India. It's a warning to their own riders.

These sanghis are in such perpetual insecurity & outrage mode that they think a train service connecting NJ&NYC, with about one third of its ridership Indian, posting warnings that "casteism will not be tolerated" is a lecture from USA to India and they must jump to defend caste.

"Nafrat aur bhedbhaav ko bardaasht nahin kiya jayega."

Which literally means

"Hate and bigotry will not be tolerated".

Taking this as some insult to India or Hinduism is like we say in Hindi, thief beard has a piece of straw.

What took the cake was the brilliant deduction that this was a "photoshopped fake" because some Failu-da is like, why would a "Port Authority" put up posters in train instead of ports. There also, projecting their misuse of Photoshop onto others. 🤦🏽‍♂️

Another clinching proof for them that this is *my* Photoshop work is

"The Hindi letters seem superimposed on top of some train image in the background to create false impression."

Oh wow the deductive nous of these geniuses!

"Why are they bringing up caste when caste is irrelevant in America?"

Yeah, sure, no caste relevance in US at all. 🙄 Then why is this needed?

"Why don't you also speak out against networking organizations dedicated solely to white protestants?" asks another WhatsApp Whataboutery Warrior.

Me: Like the KKK?

"That's a cheap shot. Making that comparison."

Me: Aing? Who initiated that comparison?

"Don't twist my words"

Is there a FIFA world cup where only self-goals win?

"You can feel a sense of belonging to the brahmin community without being casteist."

Not really. It's basically the definition of casteist. The evils and horrors follow from this very belief.

Half the ads during cricket streaming broadcasts in the US are about matrimony sites that extensively offer filtering based on caste and sub caste and sub sub caste and so on. Some show girls with black boyfriends as cautionary tale.

But sure, caste is irrelevant in the US.

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