Michael R. Caputo Profile picture
I am the least of these. #Trump2024

Oct 29, 2021, 8 tweets

The real story behind this @VAYD @virginiadems @TerryMcAuliffe gambit will be a compelling story of how to kill a dying campaign.

Whose stupid idea was this?
Who directed the op?
Who dressed up for the op?

No candidate or party should ever again hire the operatives involved.

What kind of people think staging a dirty trick operation harkening back to a tragic day when a person was killed is a good idea? This kind of people. 👇

After 37 years in campaign politics, I’ve pulled a few stunts, dirty tricks, whatever. There are simple rules to the game - the central one: if you get busted, the caper must be considered, at its core, comedic.

These dim @vademocrats spoofed a tragedy where a woman was killed.

And you can’t take yourself too seriously, for sure, because sometimes it’s you who ends up in the chicken suit. (Bolanos v Villabos, FL Senate 2006)

And, if you aren’t too bright, or you don’t have boundaries nor experience, or you’re obsessed with race baiting, you might end up dressing as something not funny at all.

These people need to be exposed and marked as needing a new line of work. NOW.

One thing is abundantly clear: the McAuliffe campaign is over. Done. Cooked.

Unfortunately the activist Democrat media will blame stupid campaign gaffes for the loss and discount the indication of a national trend away from the Biden Democrats. (And they won’t be totally wrong.)

Now we know who the idiots were at the top of this op, and color me shocked. 🙄

And, of course, the biggest losers beyond the candidate they damaged with their stupidity are the fools who fell for it.

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