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Oct 29, 2021, 10 tweets

You know what I'm in the mood for? Wildcat Adventures!

Be warned: these may involve daring, danger and death... BY SNU SNU!

"The Marathon Switchblade Duel of the Naked Soho Tarts!"

Wildcat Adventures, February 1964.

"The Torrid Tiger Queen Of Nyasaland!"

Wildcat Adventures, October 1960.

"Playboys' Joy-Flight To Terror!"

Wildcat Adventures, March 1960.

"The Nude Ghoul Of The London Blitz!"

Wildcat Adventures, 1961.

"Sex Hucksters Of Rome!"

Wildcat Adventures, October 1959.

"Air Pollution Is Going To Stop Your Love-Making!"

Wildcat Adventures, 1963.

"Love Gadgets Can Kill You!"

Wildcat Adventures, July 1962.

"Bestial Orgy of the Hairy Ainu!"

Wildcat Adventures, June 1960.

More death by Snu-Snu stories another time...

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