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Oct 30, 2021, 6 tweets

Anti-coup demonstrators in Sudan plan to stage a ‘million-strong’ march against the military’s power grab, demanding the restoration of a civilian-led gov't.

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Sudanese security forces closed the majority of main roads and bridges in Khartoum, with the exception of the Halfaya and Soba bridges, according to Sudan TV

Authorities imposed restrictions on the Internet and phone lines in Sudan, prompting protesters to mobilise to protest using leaflets, text messages and graffiti

The US, which denounced the coup and called for the restoration of the civilian-led gov't, said how the army reacts on Saturday will be a test of its intentions

Sudan's military forces have shot dead two people during nationwide protests in the country on Saturday, said Sudan’s Central Doctors Committee ⤵️

Sudan's military forces have shot dead three people as anti-coup demonstrators stage a ‘million-strong’ march against the military’s power grab

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