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Senior Reporter @DailySignal. Catholic. Author. Tips:

Nov 1, 2021, 7 tweets

Tons of media at the Supreme Court, where a small crowd of protestors on both sides of the abortion debate are gathering. Today SCOTUS will hear two challenges to the Texas Heartbeat Act.

“Our collective liberation includes the unborn,” says Lauren Handy, a member of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising.

“I thought we were supposed to dress up,” says one pro-abortion protestor who wrapped herself in caution tape.

Pro-abortion protestors on the left, pro-life on the right.

Pro-life protestors: “Let their hearts beat!”

Pro-abortion protestors: “Bans off our bodies!”

Pro-life protestor says pro-abortion protestors keep covering the baby figurine he brought.

“Let their hearts beat.”

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