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Nov 1, 2021, 6 tweets

🌟 The public utility that facilitates the movement of digital assets between networks in a quick, secure, and cost effective way welcomes Dai thanks to @StableNode 🤝 @HashportNetwork partnership. 🌟

⛓️ The multi-chain strategy for Dai arises through another integration while @StableNote will secure the Hashport portal along other industry-leading validators.

🌌 This collaboration between StableNode, Maker and Hashport also aims to push DeFi in the upcoming @hedera ecosystem

🚀 Specifically, the partnership allows StableNode to run a validator node on Hashport with the facilites of DAI integration in their portal.

🌐 @hedera is an enterprise-grade proof-of-stake public network, powered by hashgraph consensus that achieves the highest-grade of security possible with blazing-fast transaction speeds and incredibly low bandwidth consumption.

🌓 @HashportNetwork provides an agnostic, utility-first approach to maximise the potential of crypto, as a new distributed ledger interoperability solution that has the potential to radically increase cross-network functionality of decentralized networks.

💎 @StableNode is a Node Validator and Venture Capital Fund for early-stage Blockchain companies, providing a broad range of hands-on advisory focused on the DeFi and NFT space.

👇 Let's check out their official announcement!

➡️ stablenode.medium.com/4f6d173d35a1

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