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Nov 1, 2021, 5 tweets

🚨 The 2021 Global Investigative Journalism Conference has kicked off with a session on the global fight for a watchdog press with @DapsyOly, @vinodjose, @SheilaCoronel, @edwyplenel, and @mtronderos.


@DapsyOly @vinodjose @SheilaCoronel @edwyplenel @mtronderos "The answer to the attack on journalism is more journalism," says @vinodjose, the executive editor of India's top investigative magazine, the gutsy @thecaravanindia.

Journalists should be putting facts, not just opinions, at the center of public debate, believes @edwyplenel, co-founder of groundbreaking French online investigative site @Mediapart.

Reporters need to work to educate the public in order to protect democracy, says @DapsyOly, CEO of Nigeria's @PremiumTimesng. #GIJC21

Investigative journalists in Latin America are not giving up despite the growing number of autocrats and kleptocrats. @mtronderos, co-founder of @CLIP_AmericaLat, is hopeful for the future. #GIJC21

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