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PRESIDENTS OF WAR, 9 other books. @NBCNews Presidential Historian. @PBS contributor. Born Chicago. My Threads link is https://t.co/9r7VWCiF7W

Nov 1, 2021, 5 tweets

The immortal Katharine Graham (1917-2001) of the Washington Post will be honored by a U.S. postage stamp next year:

Had the honor of joining Katharine Graham to sign copies of Meg Greenfield’s posthumously-published memoir “Washington” (to which we had both contributed) at Politics and Prose bookstore DC three months before her passing in 2001:

Katharine Graham was one inspiration for “Mrs. Pynchon,” newspaper publisher in “Lou Grant” (CBS, 1977-1982):

Demonstrating her range, Nancy Marchand (1928-2000) went from playing the Katharine Graham-inspired newspaper publisher in “Lou Grant” to the very different role of Tony’s mother Livia in HBO’s “The Sopranos”:

Video: Opening for “Lou Grant” (1977) showed how newspapers went from forest to birdcage:

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