Rangarajan chilkur Profile picture
CS Rangarajan, Archaka of Chilkur Balaji Devasthanam, arguing for religious freedom & preserving traditional systems

Nov 2, 2021, 5 tweets

Tiruppan Alwar Ammal Rama Rajya Deity Rights Notification restores rights of Shri Padmanabha Swamy Ruler Deity very embodiment of Dharma as well as Rama Rajya as the basic structure of our Constitution u Art 26
It can be done in single day let us not delay

Nov 12th 1936 Greatest Temple Entry Proclamation reform of a thousand years done under Travancore Rama Rajya
Last great 1918 Spanish Flue pandemic overcome with least loss of lives under Travancore Rama Rajya
Let us reestablish Rama Rajya basic structure u Art 26 of Constitution

Request devout people like Shri @IGuruPrakash ji following ideals of Tiruppan Alwar and rep of community to take up Tiruppan Alwar Ammal Rama Rajya Deity Rights notification with Hon'ble PM @narendramodi ji as appealed by Dr MVS which can be issued in day

Request Shri @jsaideepak who has been given divine responsibility of restoring pious purpose of Art 26 inserted by Kanchi Paramacharya for larger goal of Rama Rajya to take help of Shri @Tejasvi_Surya ji and fulfill 👆 appeal Tiruppan Alwar Ammal community

Tiruppan Alwar Ammal Rama Rajya Deity Rights notification the amrutham that is awaited

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