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Nov 2, 2021, 10 tweets

🎣A row over fishing licences has seen relations across the Channel ebb to their lowest in decades.

So what exactly has happened?

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🐟What is the fishing row about?

France is furious that the Government has approved just 16 licences for small French fishing boats to operate in Britain’s six-to-12-mile coastal zone

🇫🇷 Jean Castex, France’s prime minister, last week tried to recruit the EU in slapping Britain with sanctions, urging the bloc’s leaders to punish Britain for Brexit.

France has also threatened to block any EU-level cooperation with the UK until the row is resolved

🐟 What is in the Brexit fishing deal?

The agreement was struck between the UK and EU on Christmas Eve last year.

Until it took effect, French and UK fishermen had unfettered access to each other's territorial waters

📰Under the terms of the deal, EU boats would be given a licence if they could demonstrate historical fishing activity in UK waters between 2012-2016.

While this has not been a problem for almost 1.7k boats, it has proved more difficult for smaller French vessels in the Channel

🐟Why is Jersey involved?

France also accuses the Jersey government of denying fishing licences or adding new conditions to them.

Paris has threatened to increase the cost of energy that is supplied to the Channel Island in the hope of securing more licences for its trawlermen

🐟 What has happened now?

France agreed to suspend its threat of sanctions against Britain in order to create space for further negotiations over fishing licences

🐟 What happens next?

Technical talks between the UK, EU and France continue, with Lord Frost, the Brexit minister, and Clement Beaune, France's Europe minister, set to meet in Paris on Thursday.

All sides hope they can avert a trade war by finding a negotiated outcome

🐟Why have Anglo-French relations soured?

There was real French anger over the Aukus deal, which cost France a large submarine contract with Australia

🗣️Boris Johnson’s exhortation in franglais to Emmanuel Macron to “donnez-moi un break” over the dispute did not help

Read more about the fishing wars 👇…

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