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17 y/o — building a few Saas apps in public. sold (2023) & many others. 5x hackathon winner. Maker of the year 2021 @ProductHunt.

Nov 2, 2021, 12 tweets

Best YouTube Channels to learn Web Development

A Thread 🧵👇️

1. FreeCodeCamp

FreeCodeCamp is a non-profit organisation that'll teach to learn to code for free. 🔗

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2. Traversy Media

Traversy Media creates crash courses to learn programming in a very easy way. He also collaborates with great creators.… 🔗

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3. codeSTACKr

codeSTACKr creates useful content on web development including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. 🔗

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4. Code with Ania Kubów

Ania Kubów is a software developer who creates videos on building amazing apps from scratch.… 🔗

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5. JavaScript Mastery

JavaScript Mastery focused on building crash courses and useful apps with JavaScript.… 🔗

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6. Web Dev Simplified

Web Dev Simplified creates videos in Node JS and React. He also shares useful tips and tricks.… 🔗

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7. Dev Ed

Dev Ed teaches web development fundamentals in a very friendly way. His videos always have something to enjoy. 🔗

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8. Programming with Mosh

Mosh creates fantastic crash courses and tutorials less than 2 hrs that are very easy to learn.… 🔗

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9. Coder Coder

Coder Coder is a fantastic youtube creating high quality tutorials. She focuses on the important concepts on HTML, CSS and JavaScript. 🔗

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10. Online Tutorials

Online Tutorials uploads daily videos in which he creates mind-blowing CSS arts and animations. He will help you to improve your CSS skills by 2x.… 🔗

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Thank you for reading!

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I write daily threads on web development and developer resources.

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