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Democracy Dies in Darkness

Nov 2, 2021, 6 tweets

The last time Virginia voters selected a governor, a year after Donald Trump was elected president, Democrat Ralph Northam posted large margins in rapidly growing urban and suburban areas, netting a decisive victory over Republican Ed Gillespie.

The margin surpassed Democrat Terry McAuliffe’s narrower win over Ken Cuccinelli in 2013, which included smaller margins in Northern and Central Virginia and Hampton Roads.

McAuliffe is seeking another term this year.

And only 12 years ago, Republican Bob McDonnell won the governorship handily.

Less than a year into Barack Obama’s presidency, McDonnell limited Democratic margins across the state, winning most counties.

Now, less than a year into the Biden presidency, Republican Glenn Youngkin is seeking to reverse the recent trend toward Democrats in one of America’s most contested states.

Virginia and New Jersey are the only two states that elect a governor the year after a presidential election.

In Virginia, those off-year contests have tended to favor the party that does not hold the presidency.

Following a long stretch where Virginians almost always sided with Democrats, the Commonwealth began shifting between red and blue starting in the 1950s.

Browse through the maps to see how the state voted for governor over the decades.

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