nikki mccann ramírez Profile picture
Politics Reporter at @RollingStone • host @americanfric pod • i write about brain poison • 🇲🇽 • takes my own • tips:

Nov 2, 2021, 6 tweets

Tucker is really just doing InfoWars style "they're coming for you, viewer" but with a bigger budget

Tucker Carlson outright says that the people who went into the capitol on January 6 were "set up"

A lot of deranged commentary here but "legacy Americans" might be the most ridiculous way to say "white" I've ever heard.

Been thinking a lot about this specific Tucker monologue from 2020…

Tucker's Jan. 6 special straight up argues that the riot could be a "false flag"…

Fox really maxed out the action-movie-trailer-audio-effects budget on this thing.

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