Michael Shellenberger Profile picture
Bestselling author, “Apocalypse Never,” "San Fransicko" :: Dao Journalism Winner :: Time, "Hero of Environment" : CBR Chair @UAustinOrg

Nov 3, 2021, 9 tweets

Van Jones: “Democrats are coming across as annoying and offensive and out-of-touch. I think there is a message here.”

Anderson Cooper. “It seems annoying to a lot of people”

The Democratic Party has become “moralizing” and “self-righteous” agree @davidaxelrod & @VanJones68

“Voters are being brow-beaten in being told they’re voting for racists. People do not believe that about themselves and do not believe that America is full of the hateful kind of people that McAuliffe & Biden told us Virginia was full of”

“Moderate Democrats feel put down by pundits & progressives when they express an opinion that maybe schools should open, teachers should listen to parents, or Joe Manchin has a point when he says 1.7 trillion is a lot of money. They don’t want to be insulted by progressives”

The elections were a repudiation of the progressive agenda across the country

Called it


Van calls on Democrats to abandon progressivism and embrace triangulation

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