David H. Montgomery Profile picture
"A French history podcaster and enormous goshdang nerd after our own hearts" — @andrewvandam. Host of @thesiecle; senior data journalist with @YouGovAmerica.

Nov 3, 2021, 5 tweets

In huge swathes of northern and western Minneapolis, Jacob Frey won outright majorities of the first-choice vote today (though no one topped 65% in any precinct). Sheila Nezhad had her strongholds in Phillips / Powderhorn / University. Knuth did OK almost everywhere.

Support for replacing the Minneapolis Police Department with a Department of Public Safety was strong in the same areas Frey did poorly in — Phillips / Powderhorn / University — and weak elsewhere, especially in Southwest Minneapolis.

Votes for Frey and against the Public Safety Department were *highly* correlated at the precinct level.

Here’s how Q3, the rent control measure, did. It did well in the same areas that Q2 did — but it also won big chunks of North Minneapolis, Northeast, and SE Minneapolis that Q2 lost. And it lost less dramatically in high-turnout Southwest Minneapolis.

Q3, rent control, outperformed Q2, the Public Safety Dept., in all but one precinct.

It *especially* did better in central Minneapolis and North Minneapolis.

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