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Nov 3, 2021, 7 tweets

THREAD: The DOTr holds a briefing on the guidelines for the implementation of the increased passenger capacity in Metro Manila, nearby provinces | LIVE

LOOK: @LTFRB_Official chairman Martin Delgra shows capacity regulations for public buses to be implemented in line with the increase in public transport capacities in NCR, Bulacan, Laguna, Cavite and Rizal starting Nov 4 | @pnbarcelonlive

@LTFRB_Official @pnbarcelonlive Capacity regulations for modern jeepneys, as presented by @LTFRB_Official | @pnbarcelonlive

@LTFRB_Official @pnbarcelonlive UV Express seating capacity regulations as presented by @LTFRB_Official | @pnbarcelonlive

@LTFRB_Official @pnbarcelonlive LOOK: @DOTrPH Asec. Eymard Eje presents updated transport capacities for Metro Manila’s different rail systems. | @pnbarcelonlive

@LTFRB_Official @pnbarcelonlive @DOTrPH LTFRB on the possible deployment of more taxi units, TNVS: Kasalukuyan po nating nire-review itong numerong ito, sa mga TNVS at taxi. Abangan nalang po ang additional announcements that will be coming in the next week or so.

LTFRB on ventilation for public transport: Nire-remind po natin ang ating bus operators at UV Express operators na buksan ‘yung mga bintana, at least partly man lang, para may proper air ventilation within the PUV.

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