Moonchild⁷| HOPE ON THE STAGE Profile picture
I live so I love 💜 | ig: mooniejooniee -- 2013 ARMY, 94 liner, she/her, OT7, 🐨 bias, 🐹🐰 wrecker, I talk a LOT about lyrics :')

Nov 3, 2021, 8 tweets

You know what? Let's talk about this coffee commercial Namjoon did in 2015. He wrote the rap ON THE SPOT one hour before filming.

#RM #namjoon #방탄소년단알엠 #김남준 @BTS_twt

Here's a clip from Problematic Men where he talked about how the process for the commercial went

Get ready to get your minds blown. How many times does Namjoon rhyme with "Khawah"?
Answer: 13 times, one using EACH CONSONANT OF THE KOREAN ALPHABET.
Here are the consonants to look out for. The ieung is not used because it does not have a consonant sound.

Here is Namjoon's Khawah verse with an English translation. Here I've shown all the rhymes with the coffee brand "Khawah", and each rhyme uses a different consonant of the Korean alphabet, even when he is rhyming with English words or onomatopoeia.
#RM #RMverse

You might remember Hobi's verse from Boy in Luv where he goes "ka-na-da-ra-ma-ba-sa ah hakuna matata", the first are the Korean consonants in order. Do you see them in Namjoon's rhyme scheme?

Some really interesting rhymes that have caught my eye:
1) him using the english word "sour" pronounced "sawa" to fullfill his rhyme scheme, then the very next word is the Korean word for fighting "싸워" (ssaweo), and it sounds divine to the ear.
2) 2 coffees is "kawa-i". GOD.

I need some air.

Lemme just add that the "kawaii" rhyme in this is actually 3 languages in one word:
카와이 (kawaii) is 'cute' in Japanese (かわいい). It has 'kawa' (or khawah), that's 'coffee' in Arabic (قهوة), and "ee" sound which is 2 (이) in Korean.
3 languages: قهوة이 = かわいい = 2 coffees

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