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Nov 3, 2021, 6 tweets

The #AvatarTheLastAirbender live-action Netflix series has found its Fire Lord Ozai: Daniel Dae Kim.

Kim's Ozai is described as the ruthlessly-driven leader of the Fire Nation who demands everyone live up to his impossible standards, especially his teen son, Prince Zuko.

Ozai’s drive to conquer and unite the world under firebender rule is a family burden — he believes that it’s his destiny to finish a war started by his ancestors. The character was voiced by Mark Hamill in the animated series.

Kim joins previously announced series stars Gordon Cormier (Aang), Kiawentiio (Katara), Ian Ousley (Sokka), and Dallas Liu (Zuko).

This is not Daniel Dae Kim’s first project in #TheLastAirbender universe. Previously, he voiced the character of Hiroshi Sato on #TheLegendOfKorra, which served as a follow-up to “Last Airbender.”

Here’s everything we know about the upcoming project:

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