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Nov 4, 2021, 13 tweets

1/13 Introduction to the Al-Aqsa Association, an additional branch of Ra’am that was established in 1991 by the Islamic Movement with the goal of protecting the Temple Mount against the Jews.

2/13 Past Knesset Members from the Ra’am Party currently serve at the head of the Association and, even at a time of security tensions they continue their activities on the Temple Mount.


3 During 2007-2019, the association received total donations amounting to NIS 12,500,000 from Islamic Foundations/ Let’s become closely acquainted with the foundations that, really by chance, were declared as “prohibited associations” in Israel by order of the Minister of Defense

4/13 Qatar Charity: Donated NIS 41,513 to the Association in 2007 and, a year later, was declared a prohibited Association in Israel in view of transferring funds to Hamas.

5/13 In September 2015, the managers of the Foundation in Ramallah were arrested and convicted of transferring funds to Hamas’ terror infrastructures and they were incarcerated for a number of years.


6/13 Human Appeal: In May 2008, this was declared a prohibited Association in Israel in view of transferring funds to the Hamas terror organization.


7/13 Despite this, it continued to transfer funds to the Al-Aqsa Association and, in 2015, the Minister of Defense confiscated a mobile Mosque that the Al-Aqsa Association had constructed with the prohibited funds.


8/13 Islamic Relief: In 2014, the then Minister of Defense, Moshe Ye’alon, declared the organization to be a prohibited Association in Israel in view of the funds that it transferred to Hamas.


9/13 Even in the United Arab Emirates, the organization was declared illegal. In 2009, the organization donated NIS 885,241 and in 2010 NIS 93,840 to the Al-Aqsa Association.


10/13 Aman Palestin: At the beginning of 2015, it donated NIS 125,150 to the Association and opened a joint course for training patrol instructors on the Temple Mount. In June 2015, it was declared a prohibited Association in Israel.

11/13 A month later, a confiscation order of all funds in Israel, originating in the Foundation, was issued. All the funds in the Al-Aqsa Association’s bank account were confiscated by the Ministry of Defense following the Order.


12/13 According to the GSS, these organizations are a part of a group of foundations called “Union of Good” that was established with the outbreak of the intifada in 2000.

13/13 The goal of the group was uniting and coordinating activity between all the associations overseas that raise funds for the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement and Hamas. The United States has declared the Charity Coalition as being illegal.

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