Malinda Ann Hill Profile picture
Artist, Mom, 1/2 of @TwinsRun, @EDCoalition Advocate, @AlexsLemonade Fundraiser, @wxpnfm Member, @RivannaMarathon Winner, @BostonMarathon Qualifier & Finisher

Nov 4, 2021, 8 tweets

My insurance was canceled prematurely in error. This mistake caused me great distress during an already difficult time. My coverage was reinstated in time for my surgery last week but not before it took my time, energy & focus away from my few remaining days in treatment. 😞

Trying my best to hold onto any glimmer of hope I have left while I try to navigate the Medicaid system. 😞

Fell back into deep despair after spending hours on the internet & phone attempting to access treatment with Medicaid. 😞

Why ask “What do you do all day?” to a chronically depressed, anxious patient on long term disability with a serious eating disorder who recently lost her job, health insurance & enrollment in partial hospitalization program where she spent 35 hours per week?

cc: @LeahCville

Completed provider survey ☑️

MyChart message sent ☑️

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