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Nov 4, 2021, 22 tweets

They don't make advertisements like that any more.

The lady in the advert isn't going to enjoy her visit to Zion, Illinois.

I'd still light Clark Gable's pipe though.

Is this turning into a crazy tobacco history thread?
Well I wasn't planning on it but by pure chance I just happen to have a folder full of random smoke related pictures...

Handy cigarette holder for nudists...

Still impressed by this, a cigarette vending machine that sells you 1 cigarette that comes out already burning.

I don't really smoke but when I do I do it like this;

How can we look any cooler?
We've got cool clothes, cool motorbikes, oh I know, we need a smoke!

Just a casual pipe smoking session.

Ladies behaving shockingly by smoking in public;

They look like they've just been told how 2021 people react to people smoking.

Smoking is sporty.

I don't care what anyone says, a good Jazz club needs to be filled with smoke, it just isn't the same without it.
I'll sign a waiver and accept all risks for a club like this.

Well hello there.

I need this cigarette holder.

This would cause riots today.

Ja bitte.

And finally, just to be sure; smoking is bad, don't do tobacco, except only now and then at retro themed parties, in Jazz clubs or when posing and trying to look cool.

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