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Nov 4, 2021, 10 tweets

In a memoir being released on Tuesday called “Little Sister,” Lana Wood, Natalie Wood’s sister, writes that Kirk Douglas sexually assaulted Natalie when she was a teenager.

The alleged assault took place in 1955 after Lana and their mother, Maria Zakharenko, dropped Natalie off at the Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles to meet with Douglas.

Kirk Douglas died in February 2020 at age 103. His son Michael did not respond to Variety’s request for comment. But to the Guardian, Michael Douglas’ publicist issued a statement: “May they both rest in peace.”

Kirk Douglas died in February 2020 at age 103. His son Michael did not respond to Variety’s request for comment. But to the Guardian, Michael Douglas’ publicist issued a statement: “May they both rest in peace.”

Kirk Douglas died in February 2020 at age 103. His son Michael did not respond to Variety’s request for comment. But to the Guardian, Michael Douglas’ publicist issued a statement: “May they both rest in peace.”

Per the Guardian, Wood writes: “It seemed like a long time passed before Natalie got back into the car and woke me up when she slammed the door shut. She looked awful. She was very disheveled and very upset, and she and Mom started urgently whispering."

Quoting from the book, the Guardian wrote that Natalie said to Lana, “He hurt me Lana.” Lana writes that the situation "was like an out-of-body experience. I was terrified, I was confused." According to the book, their mother told Natalie to “Suck it up.”

The alleged sexual assault has been a rumor for years. So much so, as the Guardian points out, that when Douglas died in 2020, Natalie Wood’s name trended on Twitter alongside his.

In “Little Sister,” Lana — who is 75 — writes that she promised Natalie that she wouldn’t reveal the rape, but that she thinks things have changed now.

“With no one still around to protect, I’m sure she’ll forgive me for finally breaking that promise."

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