Kit Klarenberg 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 Profile picture
"Dangerous individual". Half of @ActiveMeasures8. Tipoffs/leaks/hatemail: Baksheesh:

Nov 4, 2021, 6 tweets

🧵THREAD🧵: First Steele memo to mention Russia hack of DNC July 19th 2016, three days before @wikileaks posted thousands of DNC emails on eve of Convention meeting. Intel based on info allegedly provided by Source E - @SergeiMillian. States WL used for "plausible deniability".

Now, we know from #DanchenkoIndictment that he and @SergeiMillian never actually spoke, he was lying. Now, this could be eg of Steele dossier being based on news...

As @aaronjmate has so incisively pointed out. Meme of Russian hacking already well-seeded by this point. WaPo and NYT reports in mid-June had warned of Russian hacking (although content rather different to what was released) and @wikileaks published many DNC emails already

Yet Danchenko spends whole period, including July 21st, day before emails released, trying to make contact with @SergeiMillian. Release date may be coincidence but clearly concerted effort during period to link Millian to false intelligence by hook or by crook.

To what extent Steele and Danchenko used to forge narrative of Russian hacking? Were they taking direction from Democrats? Or somewhere else? Remember CIA's ‘Marble Framework’inserts foreign-language text into malware source codes to fool security analysts, including Russian...

Massive H/T to @aaronjmate for sleuthing identity of "PR-executive-1" - Charles Dolan - well before neocon shill @charlie_savage announced it on his publicly.

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