Richard Hanania Profile picture
President, @CSPICenterOrg. Former @UTAustin, @ColumbiaSIPA. If you like the tweets, subscribe at for the more thought out versions

Nov 5, 2021, 5 tweets

President of Tanzania calls COVID a satanic myth, rejects vaccines and foreign aid, dies of COVID, along with six other senior politicians and several generals.…

He had declared the country COVID free in spring 2020, dissolved his Covid response team, and invited citizens to a “corona festival” with dancing and cocktails.

Having rejected vaccines, the government started pushing steam rooms and quack cures. Disturbingly familiar…

“Vaccinations are dangerous. If the white man was able to come up with vaccinations, he should have found a vaccination for AIDS by now.”

This is incredible. Like if Diamond and Silk and MyPillow actually took over the government.

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