molson 🧠⚙️ Profile picture
guy who is trying to figure out how life works

Nov 5, 2021, 6 tweets

My impressions of Los Angeles as someone who spent 3 days there.

1. Amazing trees

Look at these bad boys.

2. Boy did they fuck things up by putting highways everywhere

It feels like a total haves vs haves not society.

- You have the rich
- The not rich who are unhappy ranging from homeless to people working at restos
- recent immigrants who are happy

When this bentley pulled up I was all like who is this rich person? It was a priest!!! Wtf!

4. This tartine bakery place is excellent

I was surprised by how functional LA is. It has “we are liberal but fuck that we are rich and so we’re not going to have a dysfunctional city NYC like vibes.”

Lot of homelessness and pot!

Cool graffiti.


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