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Nov 5, 2021, 10 tweets

Winners make the effort while losers make excuses. Keeping a winning attitude is the most necessary thing 2 win at any & everything.

Ability is what we're capable of doing. Motivation determines what we do. Attitude determines how well we do it.

Sushant Victory Unstoppable

If u don't see yourself as a winner, then u can't perform as a winner, so know your "WHY" & take solid stand 2 win the victory.

Success in life is not 4 those who run fast, but 4 those who keep running & always on the move.

Accept challenge!

Sushant Victory Unstoppable

Start out by celebrating the best in the situation coz it allows us 2 fall in love with it, which connects us 2 our passion & emancipates the energy.

Celebrations infuse life with passion & purpose. They summon the human spirit excitedly.

Sushant Victory Unstoppable

It's better 2 lead from behind & 2 put others in front, esp. when u celebrate victory when nice things occur.

I think whether u're having setbacks or not, the role of an SSR warrior 2 always display a winning attitude.

Keep roaring & rocking!

Sushant Victory Unstoppable

Sometimes sheer madness is needed 2 separate the winners from the losers.

We play 2 win. We've a winning attitude. We keep improving. We make our 'Sushant Army' more successful by showering more love, respect, +ve hope & gratitude 2 all SSRians.

Sushant Victory Unstoppable

The will power & burning desire 2 win, 2 succeed & the urge 2 reach our full potential.
These're the keys that'll unlock the door 2 personal excellence.

During our struggle gutterwood led ₹2 PRs are just a bunch of cactus so ignore & fly high!

Sushant Victory Unstoppable

Success is not measured by what we true SSR warriors accomplish, but by the sold-out bunch of PRs ( Parasitic Rascals ) we've encountered & the courage with which we've maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.

Be Strong & Stay Hard!✌️

Sushant Victory Unstoppable

Believe in yourself & have confidence that u can compete against all odds. Have a vision of what u'd like 2 accomplish & be able 2 articulate that vision.

Every successful warrior in life began by pursuing a passion, usually against all odds.✊

Sushant Victory Unstoppable

If u meet the darkest moment of life, strive valiantly thru it with courage & never retreat, 4 u shall surely meet shining light afterwards called victory of Sushant Singh Rajput & his self-chosen true, selfless & uncompromise SSRians.✊

Sushant Victory Unstoppable

"If u fall behind, run faster. Never give up, never surrender & rise up against the odds.

Against all odds, if u still persist & create your art, it'll be a victory...your victory... SSRians' victory. 🇮🇳's victory & Finally @itsSSR would win.✌️

Sushant Victory Unstoppable

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