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Brainchild of British Asian @davidjesudason Buy me a coffee:

Nov 5, 2021, 20 tweets

Michael Vaughan’s racist posts - A 🧵

Telling Moeen Ali to ask every Muslim if they’re a terrorist

Stealing tweets from Leave.EU

Dissing the Sri Lankan national anthem

(Maybe a mistake but why not delete it and repost?)

Ah as he has form

Happy to weigh in on politics…

Hugely racist

Deeply racist

And then just plain odd

Finally, he’s happy to call people of colour racist himself

If I’ve missed any please DM me and I’ll add them in

A late addition

Ironic really this defence

And I don’t need to say this but…
- I loved him as a player. Elegant. Great skipper. Super spinner - Tendulkar through the gate!
- I’ve been tweeting for years about this. It’s not as if the BBC haven’t been warned.
- This isn’t just a Yorkshire problem but a systemic one

Not many, hey?

But also equating whiteness with Englishness?

Here’s some more

I also think it’s important to look at how skewed Vaughan being critical over Archer is. Always first to dump on him

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