Emily Burns😊 DMs welcome #TeamReality Profile picture
PhDropout @rockefelleruniv. Wife and Mom of 3. Conservative because liberal. Massachusetts political refugee. Not always right, but try to be.

Nov 5, 2021, 9 tweets

Lies, damn lies & stuff the Biden Administration says.


The 10 MOST vaxed states (~40 M) have 70% HIGHER UNEMPLOYMENT than the states w/the LEAST VAXED 40 M.

AND there’s no relationship to cases (b/c seasonal).

But it gets worse. Both of these groups STARTED w/= unemployment rates.

The EXCESS unemployment is literally 4x higher in the 10 most vaxed states, than the least vaxed. This translates to nearly 850,000 people who are unemployed in these states.

My state, currently the MOST-VAXED state in the country for 1st dose, was the ONLY state whose unemployment rate INCREASED last month. wbjournal.com/article/mass-i….

This is what happens when fear is used to compel policy—and when intrusive government spending saps the will to work from the people. And as noted, there is no association b/n vax rates and cases rates.

The CDC dishonestly used the seasonal summer spike to claim this. But when you look at other less politically-motivated sources, there is NO relationship—actually slight positive.


This actually makes sense given a new Swedish study that shows that vaccine efficacy at stopping infection BECOMES NEGATIVE after about 6 months.


Continuing with a policy that CANNOT achieve its goals (stopping COVID spread), but WILL exclude tens of millions of people from society is pointless at best, and amoral at worst.

If you want me to be able to continue doing this kind of analysis during my campaign, please consider donating.

Otherwise, I have to spend all my time on the phone begging rich people for money.

Also, this is not an average of averages, it is based on the work force in each of these states.

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