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Nov 5, 2021, 16 tweets

1/ What is Nexus ?
- yield optimizer vault built on @anchor_protocol in terra ecoystem
- 65m AUM in a few days
- vaults: Anchor vaults
coming soon : delta-neutral mirror & EthNexus vaults

2/ How to bridge to Nexus?
1. DeFi: Cross-chain DEX:
2. KUCOIN/GATE: Buy $UST --> Terra Network
3. Binance: buy $LUNA --> Terra network -> swap $UST
4. BSC: Buy $UST on --> bridge:
5. from @anchor_protocol

3/ Nexus anchor vaults
- Deposit bLUNA or bETH
- 3 modes: Optimal mode(99% Max LTV),Safe mode(80% Max LTV), emergency mode(50% Max LTV)

4/ Safety is #1 Priority
- Optimal mode 99% LTV: front-run anchor's price data (every 15 secs update vs anchor's: 30secs)

- Safe mode(50% LTV) if price oracle fails

5/ Delta Neutral Vault (Upcoming)
- automates @mirror_protocol Delta neutral strategy
- positioning based on the highest weighted APRs
- automated mirror mint LTV optimization
- automated $MIR rewards claiming

6/ EthNexus (Upcoming) I
- allows native ETH from to be deposited on nexus webapp directly using wallets like metamask
- Nexus converts ETH to bETH to generate yield
- TVL of @anchor_protocol expected to go up
- potentially working with other ecosystems eg. Solana

7/ EthNexus (Upcoming) II
- higher yields than other ETH native yield solutions
- easier for ETH holders to reap the full benefit of bETH--> increase number of migration to bETH from ETH
- leads to higher TVL on @anchor_protocol -->more borrow --> more value on ANC token

8/ n Assets
-nAsset tokens: assets deposited in Nexus Vaults receives nAsset tokens. Holders of nAssets entitled to the vault's yield.
- Pool arbitrage: all nAssets generate $PSI rewards, $PSI goes back to nAsset-PSI LP --> imbalance.. abritrage
- flywheel effect on $PSI

9/ $PSI buy backs
- Nexus protocol has the highest buyback in Terra ecosystem. current: 8.5%, optimal mode: 10% of AUM
-@anchor_protocol : 0.3% of AUM
-@pylon_protocol: 4% of AUM

10/ $PSI use cases
- Governance token: key decision and entitlements
- Staking token: earn share of protocol fees
- value accrual: yields collected be used for $PSI buybacks

11/ $PSI Tokenomics
-Fixed total supply of 10billion distributed over at least 4 years

12/ why Nexus?
- cross-chain vaults for other ecosystems when IBC opens up
- more vaults -->more revenue--$PSI buying pressure
- program to attract talents for best yield optimization strategy
- small market cap compared to @iearnfinance and @PopsicleFinance

13/ Nexus Roadmap

- 21mil TVL in less than 24 hours
- huge growth potential, passive income
- cross chain products --> more TVL

Refer to my guide: How to Earn over 200% APR in Nexus Protocol and Introduction to Nexus Vaults!

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