((( Freddy Atton ))) 🌊 🇺🇦 Profile picture
• 🥳#Fun🍿 • 🤨#Atheist🙏 • 🌊#Resister🧢 • ☪️#Stargazer🌎 • 😷Vaxxed💉(x4) • 👺#AntiFascist • 🖕#FuckTrump • 🖕#FuckPutin • 🎼#Musician🎸🎹 • 😎@fredifredae🎭

Nov 5, 2021, 93 tweets

— for firing the former guy

— for beating the former guy like a drum

— for being a professional (not a clown)

— for Jobs / not Mobs

— for kicking the former guy's ass

— for sending the traitors to prison

sound up🔊

— for making the traitors cry

— for punishing the bad boys

— for sending "Little Willy" home

— for not being an ape man

— for making the maga morons cry

😭96 TEARS😭

— for not acting like a fool

— for all the "candy"

— for wiping out the "trump army"

— for not being a whinny little bitch

— for making traitors bite the dust

— for not sacrificing your integrity

— for ending the abusive relationship with the former guy

— for staying in touch

— for letting the sunshine in

— for making us dance

— for not being an asshole

— for staying focused on your mission

— for not being a sad clown

— for holding the traitors accountable

— for not being a wrecking ball

— for not driving me to drink

— for not acting like a precious little baby

— for not being owned by Russia

— for not acting like a monkey in the jungle

— for fighting for voting rights

— for not inspiring us to kill each other

— for not being strange

— for not inciting a civil war

— for ending the evil red reign

— for shutting down the former guy's free-for-all crime spree

— for not being a drug addict (like the former guy)

— for not being a carpet crawler

— for not being a loser

— for not ordering zombies to attack the Capitol

— for not treating the White House like Fight Club

— for ending the chaos

— for having a brain

— for not inciting a riot

— for ending the battle on fury road

— for cleaning out the slime

— for rejecting bohemian trumpism

— for not have in a drugged up William Wallace fantasy

— for not being a jive talkin turkey

— for doing the work

— for not embarrassing us with elephant talk

— for not being a career criminal

— for helping to wake up the trumpers

— for not demanding that we worship you like our own Personal Jesus

— for being hell worthy

— for not being an egotistical narcissist

— for not inciting a riot

— for supporting the men in blue who defended the Capitol

— for helping us destroy the "trump-army"

— for not being a tin soldier

— for not keeping quiet

— for keeping the boat afloat

— for not pretending to be a macho man

— for not acting like a fortunate son

— for having a plan

— for not taking the bait and starting a war

— for helping to put out the fire and save our democracy

— for beating the king of chaos (like a drum)

— for releasing us from the grip of a madman

— for telling trump to "shut up man"

— for making the former guy runaway

— for putting the former guy, on the run

— for being a law abiding person

— for not kung fu fighting (like a clown)

— for not taking it

— for not sending bombs to the Capitol

— for not telling us to attack the Capitol

— for not being a drugged up adderall addict

— for turning the beat around

— for having normal pupils

— for not having drugs fall out your nose

— for not being a sore loser

— for getting rid of Sniffy McAdderall

— for not being a drugged up junkie like TFG

— for not being a speed freak drug addict

— for not inspiring Sarah Cooper mockery

— for not being a crazy drug addict

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