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#StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 Watchlist for Indices, Sectors, ETFs, ETNs, etc.

Nov 6, 2021, 13 tweets

1) End of Week look, FRI, 5 NOV 21, for the 11 Sectors of the $SPX S&P 500…

2) $SPX S&P 500 End of week, 5 NOV 21, Daily, Weekly and Monthly charts

3) $XLB Materials Sector end of week 5 NOV 21, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly charts:

4) $XLC Communications Sector end of week 5 NOV 21, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly charts

5) $XLE Energy Sector end of week 5 NOV 21, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly charts

6) $XLF Finance Sector end of week 5 NOV 21, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly charts

7) $XLI Industrial Sector end of week 5 NOV 21, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly charts

8) $XLK Technology Sector end of week 5 NOV 21, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly charts

9) $XLP Consumer Staples Sector end of week 5 NOV 21, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly charts

10) $XLRE Real Estate Sector end of week 5 NOV 21, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly charts

11) $XLU Utilities Sector end of week, 5 NOV 21, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly charts

12) $XLV Health Care Sector end of week, 5 NOV 21, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly charts

13) $XLY Consumer Discretionary Sector end of week, 5 NOV 21, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly charts

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