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Nov 6, 2021, 44 tweets

Location: PU 004, Ward 3, Onitsha North LGA.

Update: The BVAS system has been malfunctioning, making the process a slow one. Only two people have been accredited. The INEC officials here say they’ve contacted the office for a replacement.

Location: PU 002, Ward 13, Isuofia, Aguata LGA.

Update: INEC staff appear to be having trouble with the Biometric Voter Accreditation System (BVAS). Only two people have voted here in over 20 minutes.

Location: PUs 1, 2, and 3, Ward 2, Uragu Primary School, Orumba South LG.

Update: The INEC officials arrived at 9:45am. One of the presiding officers said their late arrival was caused by organisation and logistics issues.

Location: PU 005, Eri Primary School 11, Ward 11, Otuocha 1, Anambra East LGA
Update: INEC officials are just arriving. The officials said they were delayed due to a lack of vehicles to convey them. Registered voters are 756 and they are waiting to be accredited

Location: PU 004, Eri Primary School, Otuocha 1, Aguleri, Anambra East LGA.

Governor Willie Obiano has cast his vote. He commended voters in his ward for conducting themselves in an orderly manner. He also urged the people to go out and cast their votes

Location: PU 008, Ward 2, Onitsha South.

Update: Voters are yet to arrive at 10am. The PO said: "Some of the party agents have signed, as well as the security agents, but voters are not here yet."

Update: The exercise is going on smoothly at PU 007, Ward 3, Onitsha North LGA. Officials arrived on time, and BVAS is working perfectly here.


Update: There are no security officials at PU 002, Ward 13, Isuofia, Aguata LGA, where Charles Soludo, APGA candidate, is expected to vote.



"Nothing is working here. It is puzzling," says a voter at PU 002, Ward 13 Isuofia, Aguata LGA.

Location: PUs 07 and 15, Ward 5, Amawbia, Awka South LGA.
Update: Voting started around 9am. The presiding officers had earlier complained that the BVAS were not working. One of them, who identified himself as Arinze, said a complaint was lodged to the RAC tech.

Location: PUs 001, 002, 003, Ward 1, Onitsha South.

Update: Accreditation and voting just commenced.


EU election observers on the scene at PU 008, Ward 01, Arroma junction, Agu Oka, Awka South.



Location: PU 014, Ward 1, Onitsha North.

Update: BVAS is malfunctioning here and frustrated voters say they are getting tired and might return to their houses if nothing is done.


Location: PUs 6,7,8,9 and 10, Ward 2, Agbirigba lomu, Umunze, Orumba South LG.

Update: Accreditation of voters in progress.

Location: PUs 1, 2 and 3, Ward 2, Mbarangwu, Umuze, Orumba South LG.

Update: Voters are still waiting for INEC officials to complete the necessary arrangement for voting to commence.

Location: PU 009, Ward 1, Onitsha South

Update: At 10:34am, the INEC official is just setting, while complaining of having no ad-hoc staff support.

Location: PU 001, Ugundiuka 1, Otuocha 1, Anambra East LGA.

Update: BVAS is not functioning well as only seven voters have so far been accredited.

Location: PU 015, Ward 16, Aguata LGA.

Update: This is where Andy Uba, the All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate, will cast his vote. He is yet to arrive at the PU.

Location: PU 004, Ward 1, Onitsha South

Update: An INEC official displays the ballot box to show it is empty as accreditation commences.

Location: PU 001, Ward 1, Nkwo Square, Umunze, Onitsha South LG.
Update: Ukamaka Ozoemena, an excited voter, is being captured by an INEC official. "Immediately the INEC official wanted to capture my face, though my face came out in the machine, the machine went off," she said.


Location: PU 010, Ward 1, Onitsha South.

Update: At 10:54am, INEC officials and security personnel are still waiting for voters to show up.


According to @YIAGA, INEC officials arrived on time at only 17 percent of the polling units. The non-profit says it monitored 233 of the 248 polling units.


Location: PU 010, Ward 02, Nkwo Amaenyei market square, Awka South LG.

Update: The lady in green voted and entered a gated compound where she was given N2,500.

Location: PU 007, St. Jude Primary School, Ward 11 Otuocha 1, Anambra East LG.

Update: An INEC ad-hoc staff complains that BVAS is giving them issues as only 10 persons have so far been accredited and voted.

Location: PU 018, Fegge Ward 2, Onitsha South LG.

Update: The presiding officer just arrived with the election materials at 11am.


Location: PU 004, 005, Ihite Ward, Umunze, Orumba South LG.

Update: Voters express frustration over the failure of the BVAS machine to capture their faces. Despite several unsuccessful attempts, they are not giving up on casting their votes.

Location: PU 006, St Jude Primary School, Ward 11, Otuocha 1, Anambra East LG.

Update: BVAS has stopped working here, and voters are complaining bitterly.


Location: PUs 2 and 3, Ihite Community School, Umunze, Orumba South LG.

Update: Only six persons have been accredited so far due to the BVAS machines malfunctioning.



Location: PU 002, Ward 13, Isuofia, Aguata LG.

Update: TheCable's reporter observed that two female police officers (on the right) have changed from their uniforms to plain clothes. No explanation was given for this.

Location: PU 015, Fegge Ward 2, Onitsha South LG.

Update: The presiding officer says there are only 16 registered voters at the polling unit, yet none has turned up to vote. He added that he's still hoping voters would show up before the exercise ends

Location: PUs 001, 002, 013, 014, Fegge Ward 2, Onitsha South LG.

Update: Voting is going on smoothly here. No BVAS hitches, no issues.

Location: Central School, Ward 01 and Ward 02, Amaezike Mgbakwu, Awka North LG.

Update: Several hours after the exercise commenced in other wards, voting materials are yet to arrive here. Voters are hoping the situation will change soon.

Location: PU005 Umueze Awovu Hall, Ward 003, Enugu-Ukwu, Njikoka LGA.

Update: Nkem Okeke, Anambra deputy governor, said he is impressed with the turnout of voters and the electoral process.

Location: PU 005, 006, 007, Fegge Ward 6, Onitsha South.

Update: It is 11:52am, and voting has not yet commenced. INEC officials arrived here at 8:30am and set up their election materials -- but BVAS is malfunctioning.


Location: PU15, Ward 16, Aguata LGA.

Update: Andy Uba, the All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate, has arrived at his polling unit to cast his vote.

Alleged vote-buying has been reported at PU 003, Ward 02, Onitsha North LG. Some of the electorate here alleged that vote-buying is going on discreetly. One political party is said to be offering N1000 per vote, while another is allegedly offering N2000.

TheCable cannot yet confirm the claim.

Location: Ward 3, PU001 Amawbia Townhall, Awka South LGA.

Update: "The BVAS is making the exercise slow. The system identifies the voters but thumb-printing is the problem. You can see some people waiting to try again," the presiding officer

tells TheCable.

Mr Okechukwu, a visually impaired voter, said he is tired of waiting. "I have been sitting here since, but if I leave, I may not come back again," he said.


Location: PU001, Ward 3, Amawbia Townhall, Awka South LG.

Update: A police officer, said to be under the influence of alcohol, can be seen disrupting the exercise. "Let them remove this policeman from here.

If they beat you, your body will calm down," an APGA agent said.

"See police officer, he is drunk. Imagine getting drunk on duty."

Location: PU 002, Ward III, Community Primary School, Umunze, Orumba South.

Update: Voters are frustrated and disappointed as only two persons have been successfully accredited and voted.

INEC officials have no solution to the issues with the BVAS machine.



Location: PU10, Ward 3, Amawbia South LG.

Update: Voting is in progress -- and so is vote-buying. The agents of one of the contesting parties are sharing N1000 and N500 to some voters while three police officers were also given N1000 each.

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