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VC @BlumeVentures, an early stage Indian tech fund. Writings on venture, PMF, India tech etc., at DM me at

Nov 6, 2021, 11 tweets

For a venture nerd like me, this was such a terrific read (the transcripts are the best thing abt Colossus podcasts).

Brief thread🧵 on what I found interesting from @roelofbotha 's convo w @patrick_oshag

Sequoia holds $45b worth of undistributed public stock (companies in its portfolio who have IPOd), about the same as its private holdings.

Together, Sequoia's 'AUM' > India's largest AMC, SBI Mutual (~600kcrs = $80b)

Loved this framing. Seeing fundraising as a board recruitment decision.

Also for those who follow this, throwing some shade on that famous crossover fund which doesnt usually take board seats:)

One of the questions Roelof asks is abt motivation for starting up. It helps identify the missionary founders, as opposed to the mercenary ones. Great example of a missionary founder here.

Why he focuses on value creation (and not value capture) in his seed bets.

On his insight into and understanding of 'crucible moments'.

Book reco: 'The Hinge Factor' by Erik Durschmied.

On preparing for board meetings.

Also "for every single company I work with, what are the three most important things that need to happen over the next six months?" I am going to steal this!

But Roelof, Evernote?

We need to find these memos!

Also Goetz not Gates.

Loved this framing of accountants looking 1 yr back, and actuaries thinking 20 yrs ahead.

And why compounding is the one intuitive biz model we struggle to wrap our brains around.

Hmmm.....another idea to steal! Preparades and premortems.

This was a really fun read! If you are on the venture side, this is a must read. If you aren't still a great one!


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