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Nov 6, 2021, 5 tweets

Live on @MSNBC:

President Biden delivers remarks on the passage of the infrastructure bill.

Reporter: Have you gotten assurances from moderate Democrats in the House and Senate that they are going to vote for the Build Back Better plan?

President Biden: I'm not going to answer that question...I don't negotiate in public. But I feel confident.

President Biden: "I truly believe, 50 years from now, folks are going to look back and say, 'this was the moment...when America decided to win the competition of the 21st Century.'"

President Biden on bipartisan infrastructure bill: "This is a blue collar blueprint to rebuild America and it's long overdue."

President Biden on Build Back Better Act: "Folks, no matter what they tell you, you're going to find out, this will not affect your taxes one little bit in having to pay a penny more if you make less than $400 thousand a year."

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