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Nov 6, 2021, 64 tweets

#xiaoyang #xiaoyangkun au where yangyang and xiaojun have been secretly dating for a year only to reveal themselves once they realize how badly they both want one man, kun.

this is directly connected to my dotae au!! i don’t think you have to read it to really understand this but if you do it’ll be linked owo

this will be nsfw but of course there will be warnings for that so don’t worry!!

i’ll be starting this tomorrow! i’m unsure of how long it’ll be but hopefully you enjoy it…

001. demonstration is needed

002. kun babe kun annoyed

003. dy suffering again but that’s basically a personality trait at this point

004. cock hungry twink goes on cbt rampage here tonight on gay news

005. borderline sexting!!! play dial tone by that kid

006. yangyang annoying but yangyang cute

007. you can’t just give up bubs

008. yy goes to dokuns apartment

009. the beast has appeared

that’s all for today!! p small update but i think it’s okay owo…

010. man down send in reinforcements to take down the massive cock

011. another man’s penis

012. that’s not how it happened but it’s the same either way 🥰

013. they shall now do the whole no talk about feelings only kiss give hard on

014. they put their plan in motion

015. kun was mortified with a scared boner a sconer

016. why don’t you beg?

017. maybe.

018. yes kun what have you gotten yourself into?

019. he’s struggling ty just leave it be

that’s all for today! i’m kinda tempted to just post the whole au rn but i’m not too sure yet owo…

020. dy has been traumatized

021. Yangyang begs on his knees but I'm too tired to write it out entirely

022. next day

023. day after that. yangyangs seduction techniques are failing by seduction techniques he means being slightly mean to kun

024. idk yangyang? maybe because you haven’t asked politely or smth?

025. Kun n Dejun exchanged numbers at one point. kun has been threatened

026. hendery spitting facts

027. yangyangs ass is flat confirmed by kun

028. i imagine kun slightly shaking while he types out “he can’t make me do anything”

029. kun knows when to bow to his goddess

030. idk kun he just is

i feel like this au sucks and i’m sorry for all of those reading :( i’m trying to make it good but idk i feel like it’s just flat :( anyway give me your thoughts ig…

031. Tease yy

"I told you to stay away from me." Kun stepped backwards into the desk behind him watching the boy before him.

"Oops I forgot but I guess it doesn't really matter now huh?" Yangyang had a shit eating grin spread across his face.

"It does now go away and don't bother me." He watched Yangyang pout before pushing off of the desk.

"Can I go to the bathroom first sir?"

"Whatever be back before everyone's here."

032. 🔞 Yangyang doin some shit in the bathroom tf. Also dick pic owo

033. yy brat once again confirmed

"I'm absolutely sick of how you act Liu. You're a little brat who thinks they can have anything right? Well you're not gonna get me not at all but you do need to be punished." Kun pressed his body up against Yangyang's back pushing his front flat onto the desk before him.

He reached around his waist pulling on the button and zipper of his jeans, pulling them off his hips to pool around his feet. The elder stepped back taking in the sight of the other before him.

"I'm going to spank you until you realize that not everything in this world is yours. Nod if you understand." Yangyang gulped as he nodded to the others words.

As Kun drew his hand back fully ready to give the boy that punishment he deserved, a throat cleared behind him.

He turned around watching as Dejun closed the door behind him turning the lock.

"Remember what I told you Kun?" Dejun stood right in front of him arms crossed over his chest. Kun's throat bobbed as he watched the disappointment spread across Dejun's face.

"Maybe?" Dejun tsked placing his hands on Kun's shoulders applying pressure. The elder slowly fell to his knees looking up into the eyes of the other gulping audibly.

034. I'm not writing porn for this my brain is absolutely fried with the amount of other porn I've been writing

035. is dy a simp?

036. rare moment of dy proving that he does have a functioning brain

037. A rare moment of dy showing affection to someone other than ty

038. Stream here goes nothing by dpr live

039. They talk!!

040. In yys eyes he has won the battle of conquering the kock (Kun cock)

041. Get used to it

042. Icky yuck vomits

That's all for now !!!…

043. role discussion feels more like they're talking abt who gets who in Monopoly

044. Kun meat rod n nice words from de. Cute

045. omg he'll pee on him :( I want this

046. minimum of five dates man

047. omg De's so cute he'll slit their throats 🥰

048. First date!! 🥳

049. 3rd date

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