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Nov 7, 2021, 6 tweets

Ryan Reynolds grew out his fall beard and so should you #GQGroomingGods

It also might be time to grow out a fall beard even if it’s on the patchy side @CameronNewton

@CameronNewton We’re not going to claim this fade was responsible for Ronaldo’s big week at Manchester United, but it certainly didn’t hurt @Cristiano

@CameronNewton @Cristiano Come for the nail polish, stay for the razor-sharp hairline @LilNasX

@CameronNewton @Cristiano @LilNasX The bubblegum hair is rad enough, but it’s the skin fade on the sides that really lands this plane @KidCudi

@CameronNewton @Cristiano @LilNasX @KidCudi More from the week in celebrity grooming #GQGroomingGods ⬇️

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