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Nov 7, 2021, 21 tweets

— you shutdown your charity (Eric Trump Foundation)
— your father's charity was forced to shutdown for fraud
— your wife funneled money from a dog rescue charity to Trump hotels
— Trump campaign scammed donation money via pre-checked boxes

Dear Eric Trump,
— you're an asshole for killing a big cat
— your photo with a cancer child reminds us that you stole money from him via your charity organization
— your loving photo with two dogs isn't fooling anyone

Dear Eric Trump,
— your accountants are ratting you out
— that means you will be indicted in NY State
— that means you will be going to prison
— your only chance for escape is to flip on your father

Dear Eric Trump,
— you & your brother remind us of Beavis & Butthead

Dear Eric Trump
— you confessed to tax fraud for Weisselberg

"These are employment perks. This is a corp. car. They'll go after somebody for fringe employment benefits. They'll go after a corp. vehicle & a corp. apt. Give me a break. This isn't criminal."

Dear Eric Trump,
— your bro confessed to tax fraud for Allen Weisselberg

"They say he didn’t pay taxes on $1.7 mil over 16 yrs. That’s to NY St. 8% of that, $136k. Half of that was bc my father paid his grandchildren’s school in NYC. It's 5 grand month."

— your father confessed to tax fraud

"For not paying taxes on a company car. You didn’t pay tax on the car or a company apartment...or education for your grandchildren — I, don’t even know...do you have to pay? Does anybody know the answer to that?"

Your dad asked FBI (& everyone else), to investigate HRC's emails.
— "Russia, if you're listening..."

"If Trump wanted his lawyers to make up lies to FBI to smear another campaign you better believe that he would've been on every paper around world."

Dumbest mistake a career criminal can make is to step into the political spotlight.

"Every single day since my father ran for president, my father & our entire family & our company has been under investigation. We get subpoena after subpoena."

— this makes me happy

"Listen, I'm on the receiving end of this. Every single day my father gets subpoena after subpoena. We do as a family. They attack us. They go after us for doing absolutely nothing wrong."

Eric Trump is a crybaby because his daddy doesn't love him.

Eric Trump literally doesn't know the meaning of the word "literally."

Dear Eric Trump,
— your father tried to burn our country to the ground
— you and your siblings radiate evil vibrations

— are lies

“Heating oil, gasoline, everything… You can’t get it”

Dear Eric Trump,
— your stepmom is an over priced hooker
— Hunter Biden's mom is a woman with class

Eric Trump and Don J. and Ivanka were crying when Joe Biden sent them home.

Dear Eric Trump,
— it looks like you and your family are crying


Dear Eric Trump,
— is Gary Busey your real father?
— is Andrew Giuliani your stepbrother?
— get a DNA test to find out for sure

Dear Eric Trump,
— can you please tell us about the money you get from Russia?

— cosigned the loans
— owns the banks (VTB & Alfa)
— therefore he owns the properties

If you don't have to repay the loans, then they're paychecks.

Trump functions as a "cut-out" for Putin to purchase properties for his money laundering operation

My high-school yearbook photo is really bad.
— but not this bad

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