Ben Franklin, M.D. Profile picture
A freedom loving thirty something Trauma doc and ICU specialist. Gamer. Shooter. Kill what kills, heal what hurts. @BenFranklinMD2 is totally not my backup.

Nov 7, 2021, 9 tweets


So the footage coming out of #ASTROWORLDFest is beyond disturbing.

I have been to hundreds of concerts in venues of every size since my teenage punk scene days and have never seen or imagined a scene like these.

This account says to me they were packed past the legally safe capacity. It’s also terrifying. This is part of the numerous problems that lead to what can be described as a mass casualty incident that could have been avoided.

Trampling injuries in a crowd of this magnitude are easily fatal.

The number of fractures and direct pressure applies to the thoracic cavity would stop breathing and restrict cardiac function easily not to mention solid organ injury in the abdomen.

As for these idiots delaying care by stopping emergency workers they’d be beaten to death in a public square in a more perfect world.

This no doubt lead to a delay of care and delay of ending the event that cost lives.

Then there’s this. The performer seeing this and just going on with the show without a pause?

He should be criminally liable at that point.

Lets not forget the confirmed reports of people injecting others including emergency workers with a unknown narcotic.

Another set of people who should just be removed from society because that level of idiocy and callousness is unfixable.

Lastly blame rests with society as a whole. To be so callous and uncaring that you’re holding your iphone up to record the show as CPR is in progress right next to you points to a societal problem that is hard to fix. Seeing that, most sane people should either help or gtfo.

Someone just pointed this vid out to me.

That is a closed head injury/concussion at best.

A deadly skull fracture brain bleed with/without a cervical spine fracture that could paralyze at worst.

What a fucking nightmare.

That hyper-extension of the neck and hard hit to the skull is potentially life ending.

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