Dennis S Brotman 🇺🇸 🟧🟦 #DemCast #DemCastGA ☮️ Profile picture
The Constitution Is Our Common Commitment To Human Rights. We The People. No one can take away our rights. Retired Civil Trial Lawyer #BidenHarris4More

Nov 8, 2021, 12 tweets

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I spent the day watching the 1st day of Rittenhouse Trial on YouTube.
It’s like no trial I’ve ever seen.
The gun culture of Wisconsin is like another world to me.
The state’s right to a fair trial is abrogated as much as it is in GA’s Arbery trial.

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I never used to worry about the prosecution’s rights. I guess White Supremacy will do that when things are flipped.
The Rules of Evidence seem to be made up as you go in WI. Speculation by witnesses is invited and then implored.

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Bizarre elements plague the prosecution presentation.
A key witness in the Rosenberg case is a professional news videographer. He’s composed, organized &articulate.
But, you have to factor in—
He was on the job for Tucker Carlson. And—apparently still is.

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I have never seen a more practiced and prepared fact witness, except it’s like he was prepped &scripted by the defense.
He is asked if he knew if Rosenberg said anything as he “lunged “toward the decedent, who is characterized as a rioter and not a victim.

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He’s allowed to get away w/o saying, “No, I didn’t see Rosenberg touch the barrel of Rittenhouse’s rifle.”(He was directly behind Rosenberg &could not see his hands.) He answered that he can’t say whether Rosenberg touched or did not touch the barrel.

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Rich McGinness, employed by Daily Caller, testified to his “belief” that Rosenberg intended to grab Rittenhouse’s rifle from him.

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The Judge explains to the jury that lawyers like witnesses to just stick to facts, but people don’t talk that way in conversation, so he’ll allow the witness to testify the way he’d ordinarily tell his story.

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When the prosecution began testimony,I thought somehow defense had gotten to go 1st,as it seemed prosecutor was out to prove self defense.
But, actually, the prosecutor’s skilled at getting elements of the crime into evidence despite a warped courtroom.

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Rosenberg was shot 4 times.(The temptation to impeach key prosecution witness must have tested all sense of discipline.)
If Rosenberg was reaching for barrel of the gun &continued downward trajectory,as described by, McGinness,he’d push muzzle into ground.

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(To my knowledge, no one has suggested that logical fact, yet.) But why would anyone pull the muzzle, upward, and toward himself as the target?

On the gun culture, I can’t fathom the mentality of #TheGunViolenceCulture .
I’m glad I’m from New Jersey.

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I can’t fathom the mentality of #TheGunViolenceCulture
I’m glad I’m from NJ. I would not want to live in a state w/open carry.

I think I’d have to get used to being prepared to kill people at the supermarket over mask wearing.

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