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Breaking the Silence is an Israeli veterans' organization aimed at raising awareness to the dire consequences of prolonged military occupation.

Nov 8, 2021, 9 tweets

BREAKING: @washingtonpost investigation reveals IDF rollout of "Blue Wolf" — highly invasive surveillance technology to record the personal data and keep track of Palestinians living in the West Bank.
This invasion of privacy is on a whole new level.…

According to testimonies given by soldiers to Breaking the Silence, IDF units in the West Bank were *incentivized to compete against each other* to photograph and collect the data of as many Palestinians as possible.

In the densely populated Palestinian city of Hebron, the IDF uses 'Hebron Smart City': smart CCTV cameras, radar, movement sensors and other hi-tech equipment to identify and track the Palestinian residents' every movement, throughout the city, in real time.

The investigation also reveals how Israeli settlers who employ Palestinians use an adjacent app, White Wolf, to scan Palestinian IDs, which feeds into the same system.

We've been 'making our presence felt' in Palestinian towns and villages, on street patrols and in home invasions, for decades now. But the use of cutting edge technology to do so, and on this scale, is unprecedented.

The Orwellian undertones of this story are deeply disturbing, but hardly surprising. While Israel prides itself on its thriving hi-tech economy and sells weapons and cyber technology around the world, we've been holding Palestinians under military occupation for 54 years now.

Our total disregard for Palestinian human rights means we can use this kind of technology without ever having to justify ourselves, without having to consider the implications on the lives of those living under our control.

As our exec director @AGvaryahu said: “Whilst surveillance & privacy are at the forefront of the global public discourse, we see here another disgraceful assumption by the Israeli govt and military that when it comes to Palestinians, basic human rights are simply irrelevant.”

And finally—
This story came to light thanks to the brave soldiers who came forward to to testify about what they saw and did. It is due to their efforts and all those who have broken their silence, that the occupation will eventually be brought to an end.

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