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Only the most deluded of us could doubt the necessity of this war. - John S. McCain

Nov 8, 2021, 10 tweets

Moose meat is so great. It's time for another NORDIC FOOD THREAD for you ignorant heathers. I am told moose are a thing in Canada so Canadians pay attention (except Canada isn't real and just a psyop so lol.)

It's time to talk about RENSKAV again.

In Sweden, the true heir to the lost civilization of Atlantis, there's a lot of moose and reindeer. And reindeer and moose are some mighty fine eating. Which is why even smaller grocery stores will have this stuff in the frozen foods section:

This is frozen strips of meat, brought to us thankful shoppers from the wild forests of Scandinavia. And with this stuff, you can make the #1 nordic fast food dish in the world, which is renskavsgryta. Like so:

This is an insanely good and simple dish that takes no more than 20 minutes to prepare. There are a lot of variations on the recipe, but the basic gist is that you fry the frozen meat in a pan or pot (use lots of butter, like a chad), then you add cream and let it simmer.

Personally, I add chopped onions (this is almost always added, to be fair), then just salt and pepper, and pour frozen green peas into the stew once it's almost ready to serve. I've heard a lot of good things about adding juniper berries, but haven't tried it myself.

Of course, you can't eat this without lingonberries, the king of all berries and the #1 treasure of the Nord. Some people serve this with mashed potatoes, but I think you really have to go with boiled potatoes for a stew like this.

This is the perfect food for when you get home from work and just want to eat something within half an hour. The only thing you have to do is chop the meat and the onions, fry them, add cream, add whatever else (chanterelles, peas, etc), then simmer it for a bit. 20 minutes! Wow!

Here you see the true genius of the Nord. While the Burger eats, well, burger when he has a hankering for fast food, the Nord has come up with a dish that is both hyperborean (based on moose or reindeer meat), quick to prepare, and healthy. Other cultures cannot even compete.

If you live in a place in the US (or this supposedly real country called "Canada" that is in fact fake), with moose, see if you can score some lingonberries at IKEA or something and then buy some meat from a hunter friend and try this. You will NOT be disappointed.

This food is so easy to make that you basically have to be brain-dead to fuck it up. As long as you have even the most basic fundamentals of cooking down, you cannot fail here. And it's *so good*. I could eat this stuff every day forever and not get bored.

So if you can, try it!

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